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Apra Rocky Mountains Board Job Descriptions

All Apra Rocky Mountains board members are expected to attend quarterly board meetings, and Apra Rocky Mountains events.


Attributes and Qualifications

  • Must be an active Apra member
  • Must be an active Apra Rocky Mountains member
  • Prior leadership experience
  • Generally will have served on the Apra Rocky Mountains board in another capacity such as vice president or a director


  • Provides vision, leadership and direction to the chapter’s activities, assuring the successful fulfillment of the chapter’s mission and goals.
  • Chairs all meetings; Sets the agenda for the board meetings.
  • Responsible for signing financial documents (including checks), and contracts for Apra Rocky Mountains.
  • Assist Secretary/Treasurer in financial transactions and accounts for Apra Rocky Mountains.
  • Serves as a liaison to Apra International and all other Apra Chapters.
  • Responsible for submitting yearly reports to Apra International.
  • Acts as spokesperson of the membership at large.
  • Facilitates the chapter board in understanding its role and responsibilities and takes an active role in monitoring and evaluating chapter performance and effectiveness.
  • Works directly with each board member to ensure successful completion of chapter events, programming, marketing, communications, and membership recruitment.
  • Provides leadership and guidance to ensure the financial resources of Apra Rocky Mountains are managed effectively in the best interest of the organization and its membership.
  • Delivers to her/his successor in office all pertinent materials for which she/he is responsible.

Time Commitment

  • Time commitment varies (2-3 hours per week) depending on the number of meetings and events.


  • Leadership Development
  • Networking
  • Gain Recognition from peers

Vice President

Attributes and Qualifications

  • Must be an active Apra member
  • Must be an active Apra Rocky Mountains member


  • Assumes all duties of the President during the President’s absence.
  • Performs other duties as may be assigned by the President and/or the board of directors.
  • Responsible for board nominations and elections.
  • Serves as the volunteer liaison for the board and volunteer base.
  • Coordinates annual chapter awards such as Distinguished Service Award and Volunteer Service Awards.
  • Responsible for creating and maintaining formal award nomination process and procedures.
  • Works closely with President to develop recognition materials for board members and volunteers.
  • Maintains an archive/collection of all key chapter documents and correspondence (i.e. bylaws, minutes, policies and procedures, job descriptions, and notable activities and events of importance to the chapter for historical purposes).
  • Delivers to her/his successor in office all pertinent materials for which she/he is responsible.

Time Commitment

  • Time commitment varies (1-2 hours per week) depending on the number of meetings and events.


  • Leadership Development
  • Networking
  • Gain Recognition from peers

Immediate Past President

Attributes and Qualifications

  • Must have served as Apra Rocky Mountains president
  • Must be an active Apra Rocky Mountains member


  • Serve as a resource to Apra Rocky Mountains board members in matters relating to the organization and to the field of philanthropic research.
  • Assist in transition of new board members.
  • Serves as a mentor to members who request guidance.

Time Commitment

  • Time commitment varies (less than1 hour per week) depending on the number of meetings and events.


  • Leadership Development
  • Networking
  • Gain Recognition from peers


Attributes and Qualifications

  • Must be an active Apra Rocky Mountains member
  • Basic knowledge of record keeping
  • Strong attention to detail


  • Takes minutes at all meetings, distributes agenda and minutes to members of the Board.
  • Administrates all secretarial matters of the organization.
  • Delivers to her/his successor in office all pertinent materials for which she/he is responsible.

Time Commitment

  • Time commitment varies (1-2 hours per week) depending on the number of meetings and events.


  • Leadership Development
  • Networking
  • Gain Recognition from peers


Attributes and Qualifications

  • Must be an active Apra Rocky Mountains member
  • Basic knowledge of financial record keeping and proficient with Excel
  • Strong attention to detail


  • Administrates all fiscal matters of the organization including:
    • Collection of dues, program registration fees, and correspondence at the Apra Rocky Mountains P.O. Box;
    • Payment of invoices;
    • Depositing checks and cash in the Apra Rocky Mountains bank account; and  
    • Preparation of accurate financial statements and reports.
  • Presents a budget for board approval on an annual basis.
  • Works closely with Membership Director to ensure accuracy of membership roster.
  • Provides leadership and guidance to ensure the financial resources of Apra Rocky Mountains are managed effectively in the best interest of the organization and its membership.
  • Delivers to her/his successor in office all pertinent materials for which she/he is responsible.        .

Time Commitment

  • Time commitment varies (1-2 hours per week) depending on the number of meetings and events.


  • Leadership Development
  • Networking
  • Gain Recognition from peers

Membership Director

Attributes and Qualifications

  • Strong organizational skills
  • Must be an active Apra Rocky Mountains member


  • Enhances the experience of current and future Apra Rocky Mountains chapter members through maintaining complete and accurate membership records.
  • Maintains the membership roster and disburses the yearly membership renewal forms.
  • Actively market benefits to other local non-profits, and stewards and engages current members.
  • Creates co-branding and cross promotion strategies with other organizations to grow Apra Rocky Mountains’ membership base and increase the exposure of the organization.
  • Works closely with the Communications Director to develop an annual marketing plan.
  • Acts as the central person to distribute information to the membership base and prospective members.
  • Works with web master to create and maintain a member/prospective member database.
  • Assists in recruiting new members of Apra Rocky Mountains.
  • Sends “welcome to Colorado” information to newly hired researchers, as requested.
  • Delivers to her/his successor in office all pertinent materials for which she/he is responsible.

Time Commitment

  • Time commitment varies (2-3 hours per week) depending on the number of meetings and events.


  • Leadership Development
  • Networking
  • Gain Recognition from peers

Programs Director

Attributes and Qualifications

  • Strong organizational and planning skills
  • Must be an active Apra Rocky Mountains member


  • Plans and evaluates chapter programs.
  • Engages chapter membership to ascertain ideas on the desired shape (speakers, content, schedule, cost, etc.) of program offerings.
  • Orchestrates all programming opportunities, conference, events, etc. within established budgetary parameters.
  • Works with Communications Director to design all event invitations both email and print.
  • Ensures event details are accurately posted to the website and works with Membership Director to coordinate email blasts.
  • Maintains event registration logs and shares with the rest of the board prior to events.
  • Develops annual event calendar.
  • Creates and distributes event evaluation surveys and tallies results.
  • Chairs event planning committee and guides committee volunteers in the creation of collateral materials such as event packets, name tags, and speaker thank you cards.
  • Develops, maintains, and regularly shares an event-planning checklist/timeline.
  • Maintains a roster of potential topics, guest speakers, and host-sites for chapter meetings, and assists in the final selection of same.
  • Responsible for organizing food and beverage selection and catering activities for events.
  • Maintains other related records, for future reference and for future Events Coordinators.
  • Routinely reviews the chapter’s event-planning processes, as well as meeting-attendance and other measures of event-success, and provides the Board with suggestions for improvement, as needed.
  • Delivers to her/his successor in office all pertinent materials for which she/he is responsible.

Time Commitment

  • Time commitment varies (2-3 hours per week) depending on the number of meetings and events.


  • Leadership Development
  • Networking
  • Gain Recognition from peers

Communications Director

Attributes and Qualifications

  • Strong communication skills
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Basic knowledge of newsletter production and website design
  • Must be an active Apra Rocky Mountains member


  • Maintains communication with the webmaster regarding updates to the Apra Rocky Mountains web page.
  • Acts as a liaison between the Apra Rocky Mountains Board and the webmaster.
  • Coordinate the production of a quarterly newsletter and assigns newsletter submissions to the rest of the board.
  • Works closely with the Membership Director to develop an annual marketing plan.
  • Works with Programs Director to design all event invitations both email and print
  • Responsible for taking digital photos at chapter events for use in publications.
  • Delivers to her/his successor in office all pertinent materials for which she/he is responsible.

Time Commitment

  • Time commitment varies (2-3 hours per week) depending on the number of meetings and events.


  • Leadership Development
  • Networking
  • Gain Recognition from peers

Technology Director

Attributes and Qualifications

  • Must be an active Apra Rocky Mountains Member
  • Strong technical and problem-solving skills


  • Acts as a first point of contact for problem-solving with existing relevant technology, including but not limited to website maintenance, electronic communications, and electronic membership and event management.
  • Works with board to ideate and plan technical developments to Apra Rocky Mountains’ tools and procedures.
  • Leads the implementation of new technologies, possibly including and not limited to:
    • Adoption of a new payment processor and event management system
    • Transfer of website to new host; and
    • Developing capabilities to record and possibly livestream Apra Rocky Mountains Events.
  • Assists Communication Director with website updates as needed.
  • Assists Programs Director with event AV setup and problem-solving as needed.

Time Commitment

  • Time commitment varies (2-3 hours a week) depending on the number of board meetings and events. The technical director would be expected to attend quarterly 2-3 hour board meetings, most events (2-3 a year), and to spend time in between meetings and events working on the responsibilities above.


  • Leadership development
  • Networking
  • Develop various technical skills

Professional Development Director

Attributes and Qualifications

  • Strong organizational skills
  • Strong communication skills
  • Strong human relation skills
  • Must be an active Apra Rocky Mountains member


  • Develops, coordinates, and presents professional development programs and sessions to facilitate the achievement of organizational goals.
  • Facilitates and coordinates the mentorship program, helping to establish learning objectives and assessing the impact of mentor/mentee relationships.
  • Coordinates with the Communication Director to market and encourage participation in upcoming professional development programs and initiatives.

Time Commitment

  • Time commitment varies (2-3 hours per week) depending on the number of board meetings, events, professional development opportunities, and mentorship program participants.


  • Leadership development
  • Networking
  • Gain recognition from peers
  • Develop various professional development skills

Sponsorship & Events Director

Attributes and Qualifications (Required):

  • Strong organizational and planning skills
  • Must be an active Apra-Rocky Mountains member

Attributes and Qualifications (Desired):

  • Solid public speaking and presentation skills
  • Timely and effective communication skills both to individuals and larger groups. (Both virtually and in person)


  • Lead communication, outreach, and handling of all Apra-RM sponsorships and vendor relations.
  • Includes finding and securing sponsorships and managing all sponsor contracts.
  • All other sponsorship-related duties currently managed by Apra-RM Treasurer.
  • Assist in Apra-Chapter collaboration for events and communication with chapter partners (Apra-NW, Apra-NT, and Apra-UT) 
  • Assist/co-lead with Programs Director in all of the following:
    • Orchestrating all chapter programing, conferences, professional networking events, etc.
    • Developing and maintaining a list of potential topics and speakers for both main fall and spring events, as well as supplementary events throughout the calendar year.
    • Contact/reach-out to potential event guests and speakers in advance of planning events to coordinate event participation and subject matter.
    • Planning, finalizing and communicating conference/event itineraries and co-hosting both virtual and in-person events.
    • Planning and executing contracts with venues for in-person events. Includes organizing everything from catering, rooms/space, technology and sponsor inclusion.
    • Work with Apra-RM members for accommodations surrounding events/conferences. Including before, during and post event tasks.
    • Handle post-event stewardship with event speakers. Includes mailing letters, merchandise and other basic communication.


  • Leadership development
  • Networking
  • Gain recognition from peers
  • Develop various professional development skills

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